
 Data protection

Scope and handling of personal data

This data protection declaration informs the users to what extent and for what purpose the collection and processing of personal data takes place.

The following provider is responsible for this website:

Sebastian Anzinger

The legal regulations on data protection are based onEuropean General Data Protection Regulationout. ThatFederal Data Protection Act (BDSG)and the Telemedia Act (TMG) apply additionally.

Personal data includes, for example, the name, address or date of birth of the user (cf. Art. 4 GDPR). This information is only collected and processed on the website in accordance with the legal data protection regulations.

access data

The site operator collects the following data on the basis of a legitimate interest:

  • destination site
  • time of access
  • Amount of data sent
  • source page
  • browser used
  • Operating system used
  • IP address

The data is stored for a maximum of 7 days and then deleted. Storage is for security purposes, so that misuse can be tracked and clarified. If such a case occurs, the data concerned can remain stored until the incident has been clarified.

Collection and processing of personal data

The personal data collected by the operator as part of the use will only be passed on with an express declaration of consent or in accordance with legal regulations. The rights of those affected to deletion, correction, etc. also apply here.

If you use the site anonymously, only the non-personal data will be saved and used to improve the online offer. It is not possible to trace back this data.


So-called cookies are used to improve the user-friendliness of the website. They allow easier access for users who visit the website repeatedly. Cookies are small files that are transferred from the user's browser to their PC and stored there. This recognition is possible because the cookies also transmit the IP address.

Users do not have to allow this, because the browsers offer options to switch off or at least restrict the storage of cookies. In this context, it should be pointed out that the full use of the website may then not be possible.

right to information/deletion/revocation

The General Data Protection Regulation allows the user to obtain information free of charge from the operator of the website about which personal data is stored. In addition, he is entitled to arrange for the deletion, blocking or correction of incorrect data, provided that there is no statutory obligation to retain data.

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